

강용민 2023. 6. 28. 01:54

An issue has arisen in the RoomUser during the development of the project. Before explaining it, let me provide some context.


In this project, there are three main tables:

  • User: This table is necessary for using the online study service. It is required when creating and utilizing the functionality to join study rooms.
  • StudyRoom: This table represents the study rooms.
  • RoomUser: This table stores the users registered in study rooms.

Since RoomUser manages the users in study rooms, it has foreign keys (FK) referencing User and StudyRoom. Initially, I attempted to create a composite primary key using IdClass. The purpose was to prevent duplicates since additional registrations were required if a user was added to the StudyRoom.


However, this approach leads to several issues:

  • For video chat purposes, we need to send unique data that can identify the user to Openvidu.
  • Due to security concerns, we cannot send the UserID, which would allow user identification.
  • If we generate an artificial key in RoomUser and use it as the primary key, duplicates may occur with User and StudyRoom. 


Considering these conditions, a suitable solution is to use UniqueConstraint. UniqueConstraint allows setting multiple unique keys. We generate a separate artificial key and set User and StudyRoom as composite unique constraints.

@Table(name = "room_users",
	uniqueConstraints = {@UniqueConstraint(
        name = "UniqueUserAndStudyRoom",
        columnNames = {"users_id","study_rooms_id"})})
public class RoomUser extends BaseEntity {
  @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
  private Long roomUserId;

  @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
  @JoinColumn(name = "users_id",nullable = false)
  private User user;

  @Column(nullable = false)
  private String roomUserName;

  @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
  @JoinColumn(name="study_rooms_id",nullable = false)
  private StudyRoom studyRoom;

To be honest, when I first learned about it, I thought, "Why bother using it when we can simply set up a composite primary key?" But as it turns out, I needed it right away. If you ever come across a similar situation, I hope you take a moment to consider it.