

강용민 2021. 10. 19. 17:36


O(n lg n) worst case - like merge sort

sorts in place - like insertion sort

combines the best of both algorithms


To understand GeapSort, study

Heaps and Heap operations

Priority Queues.


Heap A is a nearly complete binary tree.

Height of node = # of edges on a longest simple path from the node down to a leaf.

Height of heap = height of root = 세타(lg n).


A heap can be stored as an array A[1..n].

Root of tree is A[1]

Parent of A[i] = A[i/2]

Left child of A[i] = A[2i]

Right child of A[i] = A[2i + 1].

Computing is fast with binary representation implementation.


Heap : Property

For max-heaps (largest element at root), max-heap property

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